Hytrol ProSort MRT 30 (30 Degree) Narrow Belt Sorter Conveyor is designed to convey and sort small to medium-size items. Product is conveyed on multiple narrow belts, and is equipped with pop-up powered wheels located at each discharge location which pop-up between the belts to transfer product off of the conveyor at a 30 degree angle to the conveyor flow. Minimum package size is 8″ long x 6″ wide, maximum package length is 42″ with a maximum package weight of 75 lbs. The ProSort MRT 30 is designed for both 1-side or 2-sided transfer of items. Product can be transferred off either side of the conveyor and onto discharge conveyors, workstations, ticketing stations, packing operations, shipping departments, or other similar operations. The conveyor is capable of handling high sort rates up tp 120/minute and comes equipped with Hytrol’s HyPower distributed cabling system.
(Click Here For Additional Sortation Conveyor Information)