How To Use Our Conveyor Roller Configurator
Our conveyor roller configurator (view here) was designed to eliminate errors in ordering conveyor rollers. In other words, improving the customer experience by allowing you to build your order quickly and easily. There are multiple choices and criteria for you to choose from. Such as roller type, roller diameter, axle size, roller tubing material, and bearing type. Luckily, you do not need to know everything to find the roller you are looking for. Our configurator does all the work!
Let’s assume you know your roller type, tubing material, and roller diameter. Our conveyor roller configurator will filter through all of our rollers and show you the options we have available that fit your description. As shown in the video and image below, you’ll notice a flanged roller is available based on the three criteria you chose. If that’s the conveyor roller you’re looking for, click on the roller number for more information or request a quote. Refer to the video and image below for a visual representation.
Example: Searching for a straight stainless steel roller conveyor
You’ll notice that there are 77 straight stainless steel conveyor rollers available on our website – you have the choice to go through each page and find the roller that is best for your application or contact us at 1-877-355-1511 and an expert team member will help you. (click the video below if it doesn’t play automatically)
What if I don’t know any criteria just the roller number?
That’s fine! Just input that number to the right of the configurator builder and your roller will display below. If you can’t find the conveyor roller you’re looking for, fill out a contact form here or call us.